My Shop

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New to Etsy

It's funny. I had so much to say while I was setting up this blog. So maybe I'll just ramble along and see what happens. Usually when I'm having to sit down and write anything, it's so different than this. It's not casual at all, so this is a big change. I'm facing one of what to me is a crossroads birthday. I have issues with the 6s, not the 0s or the 9s. When I was 26, I was so sad that I was closer to 30 than 20! Little did I know that the 30s were something to look forward to. The thirties are the best time of life in so many ways. Everyone seems to think that. (I actually ask....) It doesn't matter how tragic events are during one's 30s; they always seem to live whatever comes their way with grace, dignity and wisdom. We begin to truly like ourselves as we reach the age of 30. So, maybe I'm trying to hang onto my 30s with all my might, but I decided just before this "6" birthday that I would try to turn my hobby into a business. I hope you enjoy the trials and tribulations of a very nervous person wondering what folks will think of her pieces. I can tell you one thing. They are created with tender loving care. More to come!

Please come to enjoy this blog and my new Etsy shop!

Here are some photos of the latest items posted.


  1. Don't be nervous - you make some lovely things! Good luck with your new venture :)
